We can download the dataset from Zenodo using the
function and then unpack the .zip
archive using the unzip()
function. If you downloaded the
data manually before, you can skip this part.
options(timeout = 600) # increase connection timeout
url = "https://zenodo.org/record/8164626/files/data.zip"
download.file(url, "data.zip")
# load the package
In the first step, we need to create a list of files (rasters) that
we are going to load. To do this, we can use the
function, which takes a path to a folder with
files as an argument. In addition, we must indicate what kind of files
we want to load (pattern = "\\.TIF$"
) and return full paths
to the files (full.names = TRUE
). If you unpacked the data
in a different location, then you must indicate the correct path.
# list files from a directory
files = list.files("data/data", pattern = "\\.TIF$", full.names = TRUE)
## [1] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B1.TIF"
## [2] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B2.TIF"
## [3] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B3.TIF"
## [4] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B4.TIF"
## [5] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B5.TIF"
## [6] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B6.TIF"
## [7] "data/data/LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B7.TIF"
Once we have created a list of files, we can load them using the
function from the terra package and
then display the metadata.
# load raster data
landsat = rast(files)
landsat # calling the object displays the metadata
## class : SpatRaster
## dimensions : 2360, 2469, 7 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution : 30, 30 (x, y)
## extent : 594915, 668985, 5777865, 5848665 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N (EPSG:32633)
## sources : LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B1.TIF
## LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B2.TIF
## LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B3.TIF
## ... and 4 more source(s)
## names : LC08_~SR_B1, LC08_~SR_B2, LC08_~SR_B3, LC08_~SR_B4, LC08_~SR_B5, LC08_~SR_B6, ...
## min values : 31, 28, 2739, 2745, 7413, 6857, ...
## max values : 36332, 34628, 36618, 32237, 50996, 61014, ...
We can also shorten or rename the spectral bands. Before this, make sure that the bands are loaded in the correct order.
names(landsat) # original names
## [1] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B1"
## [2] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B2"
## [3] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B3"
## [4] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B4"
## [5] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B5"
## [6] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B6"
## [7] "LC08_L2SP_191023_20230605_20230613_02_T1_SR_B7"
names(landsat) = paste0("B", 1:7) # shorten the names
names(landsat) # new names
## [1] "B1" "B2" "B3" "B4" "B5" "B6" "B7"
# or alternatively rename
# names(landsat) = c("Ultra Blue", "Blue", "Green", "Red", "NIR", "SWIR1", "SWIR2")
Loading vector data is done in an analogous way using the
# load vector data
poly = vect("data/data/Poznan.gpkg")
## class : SpatVector
## geometry : polygons
## dimensions : 1, 0 (geometries, attributes)
## extent : 326611.5, 391121.8, 477976.1, 536838.4 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## source : Poznan.gpkg
## coord. ref. : ETRF2000-PL / CS92 (EPSG:2180)
As we can see from the metadata, raster and vector data have
different coordinate reference systems (CRS), which is troublesome. The
easiest way is to transform the vector data into a raster’s CRS and we
can do it with the project()
function and specifying the
EPSG code.
poly = project(poly, "EPSG:32633")
crs(poly, describe = TRUE)$code # check EPSG after transformation
## [1] "32633"
Now we can prepare a simple visualization using the near infrared
band (NIR; B5) and polygon as an example. You can either use index
) or name ([["B5"]]
) to select a band
(raster layer).
colors = gray.colors(n = 20) # define the color scheme
plot(landsat[[5]], main = "Poznan county", col = colors) # plot NIR band
plot(poly, add = TRUE) # add polygon
The extent of our analysis area is limited to the Poznan county,
while the satellite scene has a much larger extent. In such a situation,
we can crop the rasters, so that their further processing will be faster
and the results will take up less space on disk. The crop()
function is used to crop the rasters, and we need to specify the raster
and vector as arguments.
Note that the rasters are represented as matrices, so the cropping is
done to the bounding box. To include only the area of our polygon in the
analysis, we need to mask the pixels outside the boundary. This can be
done by setting the mask = TRUE
argument in the
aforementioned function.
landsat = crop(landsat, poly, mask = TRUE)
plot(landsat[[5]], main = "Poznan county", col = colors)
plot(poly, add = TRUE)
In the next step, we can easily check the descriptive statistics of our dataset.
## B1 B2 B3 B4
## Min. : 4095 Min. : 1959 Min. : 8075 Min. : 7655
## 1st Qu.: 7813 1st Qu.: 8037 1st Qu.: 8987 1st Qu.: 8408
## Median : 8176 Median : 8429 Median : 9659 Median : 9170
## Mean : 8464 Mean : 8771 Mean : 9901 Mean : 9706
## 3rd Qu.: 8879 3rd Qu.: 9229 3rd Qu.:10408 3rd Qu.:10499
## Max. :23937 Max. :25640 Max. :28745 Max. :30744
## NA's :42589 NA's :42588 NA's :42588 NA's :42588
## B5 B6 B7
## Min. : 7413 Min. : 7447 Min. : 7406
## 1st Qu.:16791 1st Qu.:11743 1st Qu.: 9318
## Median :18907 Median :13078 Median :10541
## Mean :18980 Mean :13783 Mean :11553
## 3rd Qu.:21018 3rd Qu.:15265 3rd Qu.:12847
## Max. :33376 Max. :34485 Max. :37960
## NA's :42588 NA's :42588 NA's :42588
As we can see, the spectral reflectance values are several thousand for each band and are encoded as integers. The spectral reflectance should be in the range from 0 to 1. Therefore, we need to scale our data using the following equation (this only applies to reflectance, not temperature!):
\[x = x \cdot 0.0000275 - 0.2\]
For example, the pixel value in the near infrared (NIR) band is 15000. Using the above formula, we need to multiply this value by 0.0000275 (scale factor) and then subtract 0.2 (offset). As a result, we will get a reflection equal to 0.2125. Note that each product/collection has a different formula and it is necessary to consult the documentation.
We don’t need to apply this formula separately for each band in the loop because the arithmetic operations in the terra package are applied to all bands by default.
landsat = landsat * 2.75e-05 - 0.2
## B1 B2 B3 B4
## Min. :-0.09 Min. :-0.15 Min. :0.02 Min. :0.01
## 1st Qu.: 0.01 1st Qu.: 0.02 1st Qu.:0.05 1st Qu.:0.03
## Median : 0.02 Median : 0.03 Median :0.07 Median :0.05
## Mean : 0.03 Mean : 0.04 Mean :0.07 Mean :0.07
## 3rd Qu.: 0.04 3rd Qu.: 0.05 3rd Qu.:0.09 3rd Qu.:0.09
## Max. : 0.46 Max. : 0.51 Max. :0.59 Max. :0.65
## NA's :42589 NA's :42588 NA's :42588 NA's :42588
## B5 B6 B7
## Min. :0.00 Min. :0.00 Min. :0.00
## 1st Qu.:0.26 1st Qu.:0.12 1st Qu.:0.06
## Median :0.32 Median :0.16 Median :0.09
## Mean :0.32 Mean :0.18 Mean :0.12
## 3rd Qu.:0.38 3rd Qu.:0.22 3rd Qu.:0.15
## Max. :0.72 Max. :0.75 Max. :0.84
## NA's :42588 NA's :42588 NA's :42588
We can still see that some values exceed the range of 0 to 1. These are outliers that are usually associated with incorrect measurement or oversaturation. We can solve this problem in two ways:
The first way can cause us to lose a large part of the dataset. The second way, on the other hand, can cause skewed results.
# method 1
landsat[landsat < 0] = NA
landsat[landsat > 1] = NA
# method 2
landsat[landsat < 0] = 0
landsat[landsat > 1] = 1
After scaling the values, we can display the RGB composition. In this
case, instead of plot()
function, use
function and define the order of red, green and
blue bands. In addition, we need to specify the maximum reflection value
for the bands (in our case scale = 1
). It often happens
that compositions are too dark/bright, then it is helpful to apply color
stretching using the stretch = "lin"
stretch = "hist"
# plotRGB(landsat, r = 4, g = 3, b = 2, scale = 1)
plotRGB(landsat, r = 4, g = 3, b = 2, scale = 1, stretch = "lin")
# load clustering package
Data for modeling must be prepared in an appropriate way.
Classification models most often require a matrix or data frame at the
training stage. Raster data can be transformed into a matrix using the
mat = values(landsat)
nrow(mat) # print number of rows/pixels
## [1] 4182465
Using the interactive View()
function, we can see what
our matrix looks like.
As we can see, a lot of its values are marked as missing data (mostly
they are outside the analysis area). Usually models do not support
NA, so we need to remove them. A dedicated function
can be used for this.
mat_omit = na.omit(mat)
## [1] 2402430
Now we will move on to the next stage of the analysis, which is to
train the model. There are many clustering methods and models (see CRAN Task
View), but in this example we will use the simplest k-means
clustering method. This model only requires the number of
groups/clusters (centers
argument) to be given in advance.
This is a stochastic algorithm, so it returns different results each
time. To make the analysis repeatable we need to set the seed of
randomness – set.seed()
mdl = kmeans(mat_omit, centers = 6)
As a result of the above operation, we received, among others:
.Let’s display these objects:
## B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
## 1 0.05103899 0.06176081 0.09707305 0.10302303 0.3134292 0.2538940 0.18729837
## 2 0.02161415 0.02811265 0.05688793 0.04397068 0.3501170 0.1548471 0.07983935
## 3 0.01568182 0.02102859 0.04266913 0.03074910 0.2153262 0.1025743 0.05127214
## 4 0.01476647 0.02272622 0.05795271 0.03789260 0.4545335 0.1238540 0.05838875
## 5 0.04022702 0.05004405 0.07896698 0.08065334 0.2440231 0.1842851 0.13326570
## 6 0.08394913 0.09824070 0.14036534 0.16473647 0.3085605 0.3406860 0.30397409
head(mdl$cluster) # display the first 6 elements
## [1] 2 2 2 2 2 4
This means that the first row (representing a single pixel) belongs to group 2, the second to group 2, the third to group 2, and so on.
An inseparable element of modeling is the validation of the created models. The challenge is to choose the right grouping method for a specific dataset and determine the appropriate number of groups. Note that increasing the number of clusters increases the similarity between objects in a cluster, but with more clusters, their interpretation becomes more difficult.
The most common way to validate clustering results is to use internal metrics, such as Dunn index, Davies–Bouldin index or silhouette index. In this example, we will use the latter.
Silhouette index evaluates the compactness and separation of the
clusters based on the distances between objects within the same cluster
and between objects in different clusters. The values of this index
range from -1 to 1. A value close to 1 indicates that the object is well
clustered and is far away from neighboring clusters. A value close to -1
suggests that the object may have been assigned to the wrong cluster. A
value near 0 indicates that the object is very close to the boundary
between different clusters. Thus, in general, a higher value of this
index indicates better clustering results. See the
documentation for more details.
Now let’s try to calculate this index. Basically, using this index
requires calculating the similarity of each object with every object,
which in our case is an impossible task (our dataset consists of 2.5
million objects). To do this, we need to draw a smaller sample (let’s
say \(n = 10 000\)). In the function,
we need to specify two objects – a vector with clusters and a
dissimilarity matrix, which can be calculated in advance using the
# draw sample indexes
idx = sample(1:nrow(mat_omit), size = 10000)
## [1] 2221565 1485099 856018 2122325 1343338 640775
# calculate silhouette index
sil = silhouette(mdl$cluster[idx], dist(mat_omit[idx, ]))
## Silhouette of 10000 units in 6 clusters from silhouette.default(x = mdl$cluster[idx], dist = dist(mat_omit[idx, ])) :
## Cluster sizes and average silhouette widths:
## 1532 2863 1512 1678 1450 965
## 0.2361307 0.3171400 0.4657474 0.4235420 0.3291018 0.4483677
## Individual silhouette widths:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.1014 0.2139 0.3828 0.3595 0.5183 0.6519
The average cluster convergence is 0.36. This is not the best result. We should try to increase the number of clusters or use another clustering method. We can also check the results on the chart.
colors = rainbow(n = 6)
plot(sil, border = NA, col = colors, main = "Silhouette Index")
The essence of grouping is to create a group of similar objects, but our task is to interpret what the created groups represent and name them. Interpretation is a difficult task, and often the results are unclear. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the descriptive statistics of groups and to use various plots and map compositions. Knowledge of the spectral properties of objects is also very useful.
So let’s try to interpret the obtained clusters by assisting with a boxplot. The ggplot2 package works best for creating visualizations. Here you can find a free manual and ready-made recipes.
ggplot2 requires preparing the dataset to the appropriate form. The data must be presented as a data frame in the so-called long form (multiple rows), while base functions for visualization require wide form (multiple columns). This change can be made easily using the tidyr package.
# install.packages(c("tidyr", "ggplot2"))
library("tidyr") # data transformation
library("ggplot2") # data visualization
As we noted earlier, our dataset is quite large and there is no need
to present all the data. We can do it more efficiently by using a
previously drawn sample. Now we need to combine the drawn rows from the
matrix with the corresponding clusters (cbind()
). Then we
will convert the matrix into a data frame
stats = cbind(mat_omit[idx, ], cluster = mdl$cluster[idx])
stats = as.data.frame(stats)
## B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 cluster
## 1 0.0499475 0.0673825 0.1141875 0.1329425 0.3903975 0.3669400 0.2197325 6
## 2 0.0282500 0.0369400 0.0651000 0.0564925 0.3507150 0.1613225 0.1018675 2
## 3 0.0117225 0.0179925 0.0372975 0.0255275 0.2450600 0.1129225 0.0512950 3
## 4 0.0235475 0.0349050 0.0828375 0.0643300 0.4111325 0.1421000 0.0912250 4
## 5 0.0780800 0.0862475 0.1151500 0.1311000 0.2536125 0.3102075 0.2714600 6
## 6 0.0753300 0.0904000 0.1325025 0.1606350 0.3108950 0.3309700 0.3002250 6
The displayed data is in a wide form (each spectral band is stored in
a separate column). Now we need to change the form, in which we get two
columns – the band and the value. To do this, we will use the
stats = pivot_longer(stats, cols = 1:7, names_to = "band", values_to = "value")
# change the data type to factor
stats$cluster = as.factor(stats$cluster)
stats$band = as.factor(stats$band)
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## cluster band value
## <fct> <fct> <dbl>
## 1 6 B1 0.0499
## 2 6 B2 0.0674
## 3 6 B3 0.114
## 4 6 B4 0.133
## 5 6 B5 0.390
## 6 6 B6 0.367
The data structure is already prepared. Now let’s create a simple boxplot.
ggplot(stats, aes(x = band, y = value, fill = cluster)) +
By changing a few default parameters, we can improve the perception of this figure.
ggplot(stats, aes(x = band, y = value, fill = cluster)) +
geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
facet_wrap(vars(cluster)) +
xlab("Spectral band") +
ylab("Reflectance") +
Based on the above graph, we can analyze the spectral properties of the clusters, and therefore interpret what objects they represent. Simplified conclusions may be as follows:
The last step is to prepare a classification (so-called land
cover) map. First, we need to prepare an empty vector with the
length of the number of raster pixels. This can be checked using the
function. In our case it is 4,182,465. Next, we
need to assign our clusters in the vector to the appropriate places,
i.e. those that are not masked (NA). The unmasked values can be
referenced by the complete.cases()
function. In the last
step, copy the metadata of the landsat
object, but only
with one layer, and assign it the values of the vec
vec = rep(NA, ncell(landsat)) # prepare an empty vector
vec[complete.cases(mat)] = mdl$cluster # assign clusters to vector if not NA
clustering = rast(landsat, nlyrs = 1, vals = vec) # create raster
Now let’s represent the result of clustering on the map using the appropriate colors and names of the clusters.
colors = c("#91632b", "#086209", "#086209", "#fdd327", "#d20000", "#d9d9d9")
category = c("barren", "forest", "forest/water", "cropland", "urban", "bare soil")
plot(clustering, col = colors, type = "classes", levels = category)
If the result is satisfactory, we can save it using the
function. Such a file can be later loaded in
R or another program that supports spatial data
(e.g. QGIS). In addition, for categorical data, it is
useful to set the datatype as Byte
when saving.
writeRaster(clustering, "clustering.tif", datatype = "INT1U")
This workshop is only an outline of the use of unsupervised classification for satellite imagery. The content can be expanded to include more topics on:
To reference to the above, the following issues can also be addressed:
or sieve filter (terra::sieve()
). Another approach is to
use explanatory variables that are calculated in a moving window or at
smaller spatial scales.kmeans()
function does not have a
method, so we have to write it ourselves. It is not
complicated; it just requires calculating the pixel distance for each
cluster and selecting the closest one. The second thing, in order to
speed up the prediction, it would be worth parallelizing this process. A
final note, keep in mind that the developed model may work incorrectly
in other locations.If you are interested in this topic, you can find more information in the following free books:
It is also worth checking out other packages for spatial data analysis and machine learning (mlr3 and tidymodels frameworks in particular).
If you have any problem, it is best to look for help on StackOverflow or RStudio Community. Often interesting discussions appear on Twitter / Mastodon (#rspatial) and GitHub (https://github.com/rspatial; https://github.com/r-spatial).