Get metadata and links to available digital elevation models
a data frame with metadata and links to the digital elevation models (different formats of digital terrain model, digital surface model and point clouds)
The server can return a maximum of 1000 records in a single query.
If your area of interest exceeds this limit, you can generate a grid of
smaller polygons (sf::st_make_grid()
) or a regular grid of points
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
polygon_path = system.file("datasets/search_area.gpkg", package = "rgugik")
polygon = read_sf(polygon_path)
req_df = DEM_request(polygon)
# simple filtering by attributes
req_df = req_df[req_df$year > 2018, ]
req_df = req_df[req_df$product == "PointCloud" & req_df$format == "LAS", ]
} # }