Get metadata and links to available orthoimages
The server can return a maximum of 2000 records in a single query.
If your area of interest exceeds this limit, you can generate a grid of
smaller polygons (sf::st_make_grid()
) or a regular grid of points
The type of the resolution
attribute is not returned correctly.
Currently it is returned as an integer, while it should be floating point.
This is an upstream issue in Geoportal.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
polygon_path = system.file("datasets/search_area.gpkg", package = "rgugik")
polygon = read_sf(polygon_path)
req_df = ortho_request(polygon)
# simple filtering by attributes
req_df = req_df[req_df$composition == "CIR", ]
req_df = req_df[req_df$resolution <= 0.25 & req_df$year >= 2016, ]
} # }